I did quite a lot of tasks with Ansible in the last few months. Here are a few tricks for my future me and everybody else:

Check for Multiple Lines in a File

Sometimes you don't want to check for a whole block but several lines. In case you are working with an ini-config file, you might use this snippet:

- name: Configure dnf 
    dest: /etc/dnf/dnf.conf 
    regexp: "^{{ item.split('=')|first }}" 
    line: "{{ item }}" 
  	- gpgcheck=1 
    - installonly_limit=3 
    - clean_requirements_on_remove=True 
    - best=True 
    - defaultyes=True 
    - fastestmirror=True 
    - skip_if_unavailable=False

Force Docker Image Built

In case an image should be built every time, no matter if it's present or not:

- name: Build image
    source: build
    force_source: true
      path: ...

Backup Docker Volumes

Mounted Docker volumes can be slow, e.g., due to security constraints. Keeping the volumes within Docker improves performance most of the time but requires adjusting the backup strategies. Here is one:

- name: Install docker volume backup
    name: "backup {{project}} files" 
    minute: "{{ 59 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}"
    hour: "3"
    job: "docker run --rm -v {{backupdir.files}}:/dest -v {{docker_volume}}:/src -w /src alpine /bin/tar -czf /dest/'files_'`date +\\%w`'.tgz' . > /dev/null"
  when: docker_volume is defined